“Thus far…” – 460 Million Thanks
“O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.” (Ps 71:17)
Let us give thanks to God and celebrate: at least that was the mood of the stirred up city of Jerusalem when they received King Jesus riding on a donkey in the week of his passion. They did not fully understand what kind of king he was, and why he seemed to be very humble, but one thing they got right was celebration – Jesus’ arrival is worth celebrating! From the Annual Reports presented at the Chapel AGM last Sunday, I would like to draw out points for celebration, thanksgiving and appreciation – thus far:
The total income of the Chapel for the year 2013 amounted to about 460 million shillings; collected mainly from tithes, free will offerings, thanksgivings, and contributions towards development projects. Special donations of pews, musical instruments, and Bibles were received from some members. Our budget performance was over 100%, and as compared to the year 2012, we experienced a growth of about 40%. We also surpassed the projections in the current Strategic Plan. Many gave not reluctantly but cheerfully (2Cor 9:7). The Lord blessed us and enabled us grow thus far.
Capital Development: More than a quarter of the year’s Chapel income was spent on capital development items: The works earlier started at the main entrance and the gallery to the Sanctuary were structurally completed; additional PA System and Music equipment were purchased, and specifically a PA System and keyboard for Children’s Church; office space for at least three more personnel was added and furnished with computers. The blessing of the Lord has made us rich (Prov 10:22), and we celebrate.
Ministry Development: The year 2013 saw a steep rise in Missions and Evangelism activities – both local and teams going upcountry; over 37 million shillings (26% of ministry expenses) was on missions. Charity Donations (especially to needy students) also grew by over 50%. In sharing both the gospel preached and material things, we reveal a living faith, because “faith apart from works is dead” (James 2:26). Among other developments, youth fellowships were revived, Children’s Church services increased from one to three every Sunday.
Thanks be to God for all these blessings and more. Let us continue in the same grace, going even higher, realizing that each of us has been created for mission, gifted for mission, called for mission, saved for mission, and anointed for mission.
God bless you!