Great Business: What do you see? Luke 1:26-38
You are warmly welcome!
Seeing, sight, vision, beholding; seeing is very important. When people do not see, they do not know, and for lack of knowledge they are destroyed! (Hosea 4:6). I am challenging everyone to deeply yearn for a vision of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing the risen Lord changed many lives: dreadful fear was dispelled, new career direction established, faith given new meaning, religious zeal given proper direction, and hope for life established in dimensions never imagined before. Hallelujah! Christ is risen.
Many years earlier, Mary, a young lady from Galilee had seen a vision of Angel Gabriel announcing to her the blessedness of being the future mother of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God she not only saw but was able to hear and engage in a conversation with the angel – many could not see him.
Let’s go business now: You need to be able to see opportunities and the need to harness them by working hard and working smart. Uganda is one of the countries where it is very easy to set up and operate profitable business. The East African Community (EAC) is another opportunity before us, yet some people may be ‘blind’ to the opportunities it brings. The Customs’ Union that enables duty-free trade between the member states and common customs procedures has been in place since 2005, whereas the Common Market Protocol which guarantees free movement of labour, goods, persons, capital and services was launched in 2010.
The EAC provisions have resulted in Uganda’s greatly rising intra-regional trade, which means instead of over reliance on far away trading partners, the EAC has turned to itself and is benefitting from closer trade collaboration. Uganda’s central location and land-linked position in the heart of the five states has benefitted the country and seen it emerge as a major supplier of the other states. As the regional integration grows even further, more opportunities are created: You start by seeing the opportunities and then set yourself up to gain from them. What do you see?
Continually desire to see, and to see from the Lord, and to see the Lord. He will open your eyes to see even the multiplicity of opportunities around you to serve and to be fruitful in His world.
God bless you all.