Gospel-Propelling Teamwork
There he met a Jew named Aquila… When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah. (Acts 18:2, 5)
So much has been said about the necessity and the multiplicative value of teamwork. At the workplace and in serving God, the need for working well together cannot be over-emphasized. A rich illustration appears towards the end of Paul’s second missionary journey - a groundbreaking mission advance – and in the farthest place he reached during this trip; Paul arrived in Corinth and joined Aquila and Priscilla in their tent-making business, with occasional preaching; then after many months, the arrival of Silas and Timothy ushered Paul into exclusive preaching. These five names at the beginning of Acts 18 give us a reason to consider important lessons from their gospel-propelling teamwork.
Aquila and Priscilla brought Paul as a partner into their tent-making business. While they gave him an occupation during the week, they also must have paid a lot of attention to his teachings both at home and at the synagogue. They would later be able to help Apollos when he taught with some gaps at Ephesus (Acts 18:26). They did it as good team players by inviting him home and enjoying a fellowship in which they explained the gospel. This couple is a good example of serious business fused with the love of God that drives them to participate as a full church – in worship, in nurturing believers and in supporting evangelism.
On the other hand, Silas and Timothy provide support that inspires Paul and launches him into full-time preaching. The support may be in many forms, including material supplies, but it is evident that the ministry partnership and support resulted in a further and deeper reach of the gospel among the Corinthians as Paul was moved to preach and teach daily, devoting himself exclusively to this task (v.5). Just like for Aquila and Priscilla, this support does not end here in Corinth; we later hear of Timothy as a Senior Pastor leading a church, and appointing elders there – continuing in gospel-propelling teamwork.
What kind of support is required of you in order to propel the gospel? In your ‘tent-making’ business – whether employed by others or by yourself, you can welcome gospel ministers, pay attention and grow in the truth of the gospel, and become a builder of ministers in home cell fellowships. One more aspect that points to harmonious teamwork is the fact that the couple’s name order changes and there seems to be no fight: we meet Aquila and Priscilla early in the chapter, and later it is Priscilla and Aquila – something that could easily raise ego issues, tempers and serious fights in a home devoid of God’s grace. Take the reflection deeper and may God bless you as you consider to relentlessly participate in such teamwork and partnerships.