Hearing God in Uncertain Times
For this is what the LORD Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you – for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye – I will surely raise my hand against them so that their slaves will plunder them.” (Zech 2:7-9)
Many speak well and soothingly and turn nose-diving moods into hope-filled laughter, but above all, we need to hear God speak. That is why the gift of prophecy is very important. Prophecy means to foretell events or to speak (or sing) under inspiration of the Holy Spirit (in prediction or simple discourse); the one who prophesies says, “this is what the Lord Almighty says…” Did you know that even beyond hearing a prophetic message, you yourself can hear God speak directly to you? Or you can hear God speak to you a message for other people. How do we hear God, especially in uncertain times? Prophet Zechariah lived and prophesied in a rough and tough season, and we should continue learning from him.
When the Babylonians conquered Judah in 597 BC and deported to Babylon over 50,000 Jews, it was a heavy humiliating blow to this nation. Had God been defeated? The Jews cried out to God, but the Word that came through Prophet Jeremiah announced 70 years in that captivity before God would restore them. After about that time (in 538), some Jews returned to Jerusalem, and under Zerubbabel’s leadership started the Temple Rebuilding Project. After completing and dedicating the foundation in 536, the opposition that arose from neighbours plus the Jews’ own reluctance caused the project to stall – and stall it did for the next fifteen years! The restoration of the Jewish nation was far from complete and the Jews remained confused; they wondered if God had told them a lie, or if they hadn’t heard well. Those were truly uncertain times. Zechariah came right in there to declare what God was saying to them.
Zechariah’s book starts with a record of the very busy night on 15th Feb 519 BC – the night in which he had 8 serious visions (as recorded in the first six chapters). A consistent message runs through these visions: God cares about His people, and He will bring the restoration. Let me shelve this to be followed up in the next piece, and go to how we ourselves can hear God today. But first, are you ready to hear God? Suppose He says something you don’t like! Do you really want to hear Him speak to you? Some are unsure at this point, but there are many of us who are saying an emphatic yes!
To hear God speak takes keen attention, getting acquainted with His voice, and a readiness for action in full obedience. To get fully attentive may involve spending moments of silence during devotions/ Bible reading, seasons of seclusion and fasting, turning off phones or social media for a while, and such deliberate actions to reduce or cut off the noise.
God Bless You.