New Life in Jesus Christ: Remember
“And he died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” (2Cor 5:15-17)
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed; Hallelujah!
The Day of Resurrection is here: the feast to celebrate the victory of Jesus Christ over the grave. Christians actually celebrate this every Sunday, but this Easter Day is special as a feast to remember the very events around the revolution that the Feast of Passover experienced when it was surrounded by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have had a whole week to remember: Remember how He entered Jerusalem amidst shouts of ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord’ – being received as King; remember his cursing of the fig tree and lessons about faith; remember his cleansing of the temple and powerful teachings; remember the woman that anointed him with very expensive perfume on Holy Tuesday evening; remember the emotional last supper; remember the prayer night in Gethsemane; then the arrest, trial and crucifixion! And finally, the burial – remember!
It was a journey from bright glory to darkest gloom; the disciples were all disappointed and discouraged; their hopes dashed to the ground. Paul and many other preachers later interpret the Scriptures, and give meaning to this mishap: “he died for all, … for their sake died”. It was a death that brought new life to many people. It was like renewal, regeneration, revival, renaissance, or rejuvenation – but in a much greater sense. These words describe processes for which we have numerous examples here on earth: A grain of maize falls to the earth and dies, and much more maize comes out only four months later; but as for the lesson from the bees’ sexual suicide during the queen’s one and only nuptial flight, more thought should be applied.
Do the male bees know that they will die after mating with the queen? In the case of mating, he is sacrificing himself for a new generation. But does the male chosen by the queen for mating have the power to decline? If yes, then what becomes of him? So why don't they just flee?
To answer this question, someone points to the fact that mating is the entire point of the drone’s existence and he is motivated by biological imperative, not conscious thought as we know it, so while he does have the power to decline, it's not in his interest to do so.
Honeybee sex occurs in mid-air, when the queen flies out in search of mates, her one and only "nuptial flight." Drones compete for the chance to mate with their queen, swarming around her as she flies.
Eventually, a brave drone will make his move.
As the drone grasps the queen, he everts his endophallus using a contraction of his abdominal muscles and hemostatic pressure and inserts it tightly into the queen's reproductive tract. He immediately ejaculates with such explosive force that the tip of his endophallus is left behind inside the queen and his abdomen ruptures. The drone falls to the ground, where he dies soon after. The next drone removes the previous drone's endophallus and inserts his, mates, and then dies as well.
During her one nuptial flight, the queen will mate with a dozen or more partners, leaving a trail of dead drones in her wake.
Man dies – resurrects – we have example
Live as one that is aware of new life today and new life that is coming tomorrow
God bless you all.