Raised for a Purpose
Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you.
He has saved us and called us to a holy life… because of his own purpose and grace. (2Tim 1:6-9)
It is interesting how the world keeps progressing steadily and sometimes at increasing rates even in the face of localized seasons of turbulence. Ancient Egypt the superpower that held Israelites in slavery for close to 400 years went on her knees and collapsed under the weight of ten lethal plagues. Pharaoh and his entire army that had followed the Israelites into the Red Sea perished. Flavius Josephus thus remarks about them: “but the Egyptians were not aware that they went into a road made for the Hebrews, and not for others; that this road was made for the deliverance of those in danger, but not for those that were earnest to make use of it for the others’ destruction.” Nonetheless, Egypt rose up again and had her fair share of power, comparable to Assyria and Medo-Persia.
More lately, it has been observed that the twentieth century witnessed both incredible advancement and unspeakable tragedy. There were tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, floods, even plagues of locust; yet this period also saw infant mortality decrease by 90 percent, maternal mortality decrease by 99 percent, and, overall, human lifespan increase by more than 100 percent. These are progressive advancements in God’s world that override the localized seasons of calamitous turbulence. People should therefore never lose hope, but know that God is at work and has made everything and every season for a purpose.
The purpose of the Pharaoh in Moses’ ministry season was to reveal to the world the great power of the Almighty God – high above the might of super powers of any era. His hardness of heart attracted demonstrations of this power in full force, until the Israelites were delivered. Welcome to Kyambogo! You too – regardless of which office or assignment you hold – have been created and equipped for a purpose, and God is watching and waiting for a good accountability. He desires to use you for a noble cause; the important task for each one of us is to humble oneself before God and learn His purpose for your life, and then pursue the same. Remember, “The plans of the mind belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.” (Prov 16:1)
God bless you.