Salvation for All
“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”
(John 3:17)
No segregation, no sectarianism – Jesus came to save all. No matter who you are and what your background is, salvation is available. There are people in society who are easy targets of condemnation; many fingers point at them as irredeemable either because of their occupations (talk about some politicians or soldiers), or their past mistakes (murder or rape convicts)… but what about stubborn youth all over the village or town? Those too have had their share of condemnation. Thank God for parents who have been graciously patient and received back youth that have run away for days or weeks, brought home a child unexpectedly, or squandered hard-earned resources.
Whoever desires to minister the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ must always remember that while we still have the breath of life, there is hope for salvation. Jesus did not come as a judge then; he came as a Saviour. He tolerated sinners of all shades that he might save them; he preached to the old and the young, and invited whoever cared to listen. The sharp contrast of that time was the divide between Jews and Gentiles – and Jesus reached out to all without discrimination. He indeed came to the world – the whole world.
He did not come to condemn the Gentiles, as the Jews thought he would; for though God had overlooked the times of their ignorance, and had sent no prophet to them, nor made any revelation of his will, or any discovery of his special grace to them; yet he sent his Son now, not to destroy them for their idolatry, and wickedness, but to be their Saviour.
He did not come to condemn the Jews; for as impenitent and unbelieving, and as wicked as they were, he did not accuse them to the Father, nor judge and condemn them; he was to come again in power and great glory, when he would take vengeance on them, and cause wrath to come upon them to the uttermost, for their disbelief and rejection of him; but this was not his business now.
The youth among us, and indeed all of us do not benefit anything out of being condemned today. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). While our Lord Jesus does not tolerate sin and quickly says to those who are saved ‘go and sin no more’, his love for us today draws us all to behold and come to this Salvation which is available to all. Let us follow His example.
God bless you.