Respecting Authority
“Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matt 22:21)
It is Youth Sunday here today. We thank God for our young people, full of energy and enthusiasm, full of ideas and dreams, of plans and hope, youth full of ambitions and speed. They minister every week in prayer meetings, in ushering, in small fellowships and care groups, in Children’s Church, in the worship team, and in many other places. They also critique the elders and really want to make things better. They have far reaching aspirations that need to be recognized, guided and harnessed – our youth are worth celebrating.
It’s a good opportunity to reflect on the question of Authority as this is one of the areas in which our youth struggle to strike a balance. It was his test but Jesus used it as an opportunity to teach, as was his usual custom. His key message is contained in a verse that has become a popular quote even among non-believers. Have you not heard some government officials or politicians say in whatever dialect or version, ‘render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar’? Of course there are many using this for selfish gain – to get people to bow and obey and pay more taxes – yet they do not pay enough attention to their obligation in the other part of the verse that points them to the Higher Master. The bottom line is that transcendent authority comes from God and must be observed and respected.
Many young people have been caught up in wars with their parents or guardians or elders; some have locked horns with leaders at Church or in the University, or even at their work places. Stand-offs are often sorely painful, ugly and even bloody at times, and they spoil the image of God in us as individuals and as society. Apart from the good loyals who may be introvert or extrovert, when gentleness and humility do not set in, we end with loyal rebels or even rebellious rebels. Loyal rebels appear to submit to authority on the outside, but inside they are boiling with disapproval and will snap out of control at the next possible outlet; they only comply because they must otherwise police will chase them or financial support will be cut down. Rebellious rebels on the other hand put up an open-boot disobedience in the face of parents or elders with reasons that seem to make little sense others.
Think about your own relationship with the authorities in your life. The Lord desires peaceable living and each one of us must work for this. While pursuing your unique interests, remember the call of God to gentleness, respect, humility, generosity and peace. Many cases of rebellious youth have arisen because of rebellious parents; as youth are called upon to ‘render to Caesar’ by way of patiently negotiating with and respecting authority, elders and leaders must in turn intently pay attention to the other obligation – ‘render to God’. It is a joint effort that we all must be engaged in.
God bless you all!