The Fruit of Joy
“Rejoice in the Lord always; … do not be anxious about anything, … And the peace of God, … will guard your hearts and your minds” (Php 4:4-7)
Rejoice? How can you say that in the face of Ebola and Marburg, increasing cases of iron-bar thugs, marriage breakdowns, rebellious children, suicides, and deadly abortions? Our Newspapers even recently have reported how youth are advocating for legalizing abortion, citing one out of three maternal deaths as caused by unsafe abortions. Some of these girls have become pregnant after defilement or rape; but I wonder if majority of cases are not just reckless sinners, and some are selling their bodies to get some material benefits. This host of offences also includes sexual pervasion, drug abuse, marital unfaithfulness, and murder.
From another report, although there is evidence of a decline in new infections over the last three years, we still have to cry over the fact that 570 girls aged between 15 and 24 are infected with HIV every week – too many girls in this age group in Uganda are dangerously sexually active, most especially those in Universities! In Kenya with a much bigger population, the number is only 468. The problem of immorality is bringing upon us far reaching effects that we must be concerned about. It is not right to exonerate all cases and claim that these girls are “always caught up in unavoidable circumstances” – young people must rise and put on self control daily. Christians must quit nominalism and live what they believe.
Paul’s situation had different challenges: he was in prison, in a foreign land where Emperor Nero was getting established in power, and his visitor Epaphroditus had been terribly sick; this visitor had brought him some relief from the Philippian Church and when those church members had of his sickness, they were sad and this stressed Paul and friends even the more. Paul was still zealous for the gospel for which he was persecuted, but even then how dare he say ‘Rejoice’ in such circumstances?
There is enough in God to bring us joy in the worst circumstance on earth. He had said it before in Php 3:1, ‘Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord’. In chapter 4 he says it again, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say Rejoice.’ If good people have not a continual feast, it is their own fault. Overcome personal anxiety and poor physical health by letting your requests be made known to God by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving – and you will have joy. Overcome fights and unrest with people and among people by openly advocating for their reform and repentance and working for peace and their restoration – and you will have joy. Overcome fights and unrest with God by submitting yourself to Him fully, fleeing from every form of sin and walking in His righteous ways; remember, no God no peace, know God know peace – and you will have joy.
God bless you all!