The grace of giving – part 1
“Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me a contribution. From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the contribution for me.” (Ex 25:2)
Although by this time God had already received the name ‘Jehovah Jireh’ in praise of benevolence as Provider, He seems to be asking for contributions! Why would the owner of the entire universe requisition for contributions from a group of fleeing ex-slaves in a wilderness? They were not rich, not settled, not sure of tomorrow, and they were a very young nation. For God to be asking for contributions from this kind of people may sound strange, but there must be a justified reason. Also think of the episode leading to that name ‘Jehovah Jireh’ (Gen 22:14): Abraham pronounced that name after the Lord had asked this very old man to sacrifice his ‘only’ son! Surprisingly, Abraham obeyed and was giving without holding back – then the Lord intervened and provided in ways beyond human understanding.
When it is time to give to the cause of the Lord’s work, it does not matter your age, your status, your riches or scarcity, your residence – rented or owned: God owns everything, but He gives us opportunity to participate in His work by surrendering part of what He has given us; He knows we need this discipline to grow more into His likeness and learn not to be attached to material possessions. Our hearts are moved by different situations: sometimes a hungry child, or suffering war refugees, or a needy student about to miss exams, or sometimes a sick relative who needs an operation abroad. Our hearts are also moved, and strongly so, when a close friend needs support towards their wedding, or when you need a new car, or a house. Is there a nobler cause? The Lord commanded Moses to express the need for a Tabernacle to people of Israel for them to respond with their hearts first, then their contributions would follow. It is time to give, and this is an opportunity.
Your heart will only move you if you understand that giving is for your own good. Moses’ Tabernacle was the place where he interceded for the nation of Israel and the Lord brought them provisions and healing during tough times. Abraham’s ‘sacrifice’ unlocked phenomenal blessings that would outlive him by generations. Yes, the ultimate result of our giving is for our own good beyond what our eyes can see. Our current need is to complete our Sanctuary and its furnishings, and the call for contributions is on. Open your heart today that you’ll be moved to give to a nobler cause.
God bless you!