“You are the salt”
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored?” (Matt 5:13)
You are warmly welcome!
When we talk about Identity, we cannot run away from the fact that each one of us desires to be known for something: some want to be known for being excellent professionals or administrators or footballers or kick-boxers or great pastors or business gurus or celebrity musicians or army generals, and on and on. Each one of us has a sphere – no matter how large or small – in which one is distinctly known and therefore can wield a significant measure of influence. What are you known for?
Jesus told his disciples, ‘you are the salt…’ in order to obligate them to deliberately influence society with Christ-like mentality and character. Salt is a powerful analogy for influence: a little of it persuades food to taste delicious and appetizing; it is also used as a preservative, as an antiseptic in medicine – it is a germ killer. Salt is a multi-talented companion with many functions indeed. What does it mean for you to be the salt of the earth? As a mission imperative statement, ‘You are the salt’, how do we understand it in the extents of our ‘Jerusalem, … all Judea, … Samaria, and to the end of the earth’ (Acts 1:8)?
You need to be a person of influence by all means. People around us need inspiration to advance, encouragement in sober living, motivation to do right and shun wrong; they need clear correction, rebuke, and sometimes reprimand when they stumble at besetting sins and corruption – moral or financial. Even innocent-looking folks need a regular showing of the Way, to walk in it and not go astray. Many people around us need to be encouraged to follow Jesus and live according to the purpose and will of God for their lives. Those who receive this message, ‘you are the salt’ are expected to actively influence the people around them positively – to Christ-like living.
Offer yourself today: it was law to always season grain offerings with salt: “You shall season all your grain offerings with salt. … the salt of the covenant with your God” (Lev 2:13); here the salt signified the requisit purity, perfection and faithfulness in worship. If your community is to be accepted in God’s sight, then you are the required seasoning – You are the salt.
God bless you!