Kingdom Citizenship by Grace: Matt 20:1-16
“the last will be first, and the first will be last”
You are warmly welcome!
In a recent Public Lecture, Bishop Zac Niringiye explained the difference between two citizenships: citizenship by right, and citizenship by grace. Even when some Ugandans may not be aware of their rights as citizens, the Constitution of Uganda is clear about the certainty of citizenship; there are similar provisions in other Nation States to provide for citizenship. As long as one satisfies the conditions stipulated for citizenship, they qualify by right to be citizens.
The story of a girl born in United States of America to Uganda parents illustrated this point clearly: when the family returned and years later wanted to get a visa for their daughter, the US Embassy in Uganda denied her the visa, and instead issued her a US passport – a greater permission by leaps and bounds! She was an American by birth, though a Ugandan by descent; both citizenships were valid by right under the provisions of the respective Constitutions. Unaware of her rights as a US citizen, she was seeking a lesser document – a visa!
On the contrary, the Kingdom of God does not have citizens by right. No one has by merit satisfied the conditions of belonging to the Kingdom of God. God just bestowed favour that we did not deserve – unmerited favour – and only by this can we enter: belonging to the Kingdom of God is purely by the grace of God. We receive and accept the grace for this citizenship. While citizens of a given country can demand certain rights and benefits of this status, Kingdom citizens must gratefully receive what the Lord offers, because they do not deserve it – it is given by grace and received by faith. The greatest offering from God our Father is life eternal in the Kingdom.
The irony of citizenship by grace is well painted by Jesus’ assertion that “the last will be first, and the first will be last”, to which one should ask, why? And the answer is “by grace”, just like the first were only admitted “by grace”. By grace the martyrs courageously faced death and so exasperated their tormentors by their courage, just like Stephen. By grace alone we have been saved.
God bless you all.