Commissioned for Service. Php 2:12-18
“children of God… shine as lights in the world”
You are warmly welcome!
When a child is born, the umblical cord has to be severed; the baby girl now has to draw air with oxygen by itself, ingest and digest food, cry for help when in need; it is a fundamental change. The born child is now dependent on anyone who can offer help, but never in the way it was dependent on the mother while still in the womb. The child’s dependency keeps changing and reducing – she stops breast feeding, starts eating solid food and walking, then soon after starts fetching water and participating in house work, adding value to the home and community. A child of God is called to growth and development in the same way. Jesus Christ commands:
“Come follow Me” is the first instruction. As Christians, we are called to be disciples (followers of Jesus Christ). This is a call to relate, and all who receive Him are given the right to become children of God (Jn 1:12). Observing and honouring our relationship with God as our Father and Christian people as brothers and sisters is more exciting than getting a passport for the first time; it is of supreme importance when in a foreign land. Without it, identity is lost and one is handed to the police and detained in bondage; even your home embassy can hardly help. Christians are foreigners in this world; our passport and indicator of our true citizenship is Jesus Christ. Without Him, one is detained by the devil’s police to live in sin – bound to all manner of vices – unbelief, lies, substance abuse, greed driven stealing, dishonesty and the like. Jesus Christ calls us to find our true identity and citizenship, our true family in God our Father.
“Go and make disciples” is the next instruction. As the children of God grow, they must become productive and constructive in the Kingdom. Paul encourages the Philippians to shine as lights in the world. We are called to stand out with clear identity as believers wherever we may be. Today, about fifty persons will be confirmed by the Bishop. We are all reminded that we have been commissioned as children of God in this foreign land to shine as lights and thus draw many people to God.
God bless you all.