Knowledge is Light? Acts 9:1-16
“suddenly a light from heaven shone around him”
You are warmly welcome!
Many schools have this motto: “Knowledge is Light”, and today Paul the apostle is our feature character to prove this point. He was at first called Saul. Everyone desires to be useful and productive in society, to be a vessel of noble purpose, to add value to the people around, to leave a mark that can be counted as legacy. In this respect, Saul’s profile was clean and clear, totally resolved in his vocation and passion – defending the faith. Those who promoted a contrary way of believing were sure to meet with his uncompromising wrath, even to the point of jailing and executions.
Saul was thoroughly educated in Greek culture and the teaching of the Rabbis, having received the building material of his life both at home and at school.
Saul supervised and gave approval to Stephen’s stoning to death, and now was on the way to arrest more subversive disciples of Jesus Christ. Such zeal also comes from God, and for a purpose; but without a revelation, this zeal can destroy a lot including its possessor. He later frankly admitted the dangers of such zeal for God, which is not according to knowledge – not enlightened, and the danger losing salvation! (Rom 10:2).
The Lord in his mercy came to Saul and found him drunk with venomous zeal: The much needed redirection came by a revelation; and meeting and knowing Jesus uprooted Saul from the dark path to the Way. Symbolically his physical sight was lost for three days that he might gain a proper spiritual sight. It is evident that his missionary calling, the basic character of his activities and even the special emphases of his teaching were programmed into his inner being before his spiritual crisis on the Damascus road. It is as though, having encountered Jesus, all his seeking and questions just clicked into place.
Paul’s great legacy can be summarized in the fact that more than half of the New Testament is his work. All manner of talent and gifting, high learning and great skill are good and God-given; however, a revelation of the Lord Jesus is required to direct them rightly into productivity in the Kingdom of God. Knowledge of created things alone is not light enough; adding knowledge of the Creator Himself is what enlightens us to perfect sight.
God bless you all.