Behold, the Lamb of God! John 1:35-42
You are warmly welcome!
What do you see? It is the third Sunday in Epiphany – a season in which we commemorate the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles; this season will end when we start Lent on Ash Wednesday. When they saw the bright new star, those wise men from the East actually saw a deeper significance and they followed it until they got to the manger in Bethlehem. Many people had the opportunity to look into the same sky, many might even have seen the star; but the wise men saw the deeper significance, a bigger revelation, a life giving discovery – a new born King.
In the same way, while many people did not bother about the young man from Nazareth who was attending a prophet’s teaching, John the Baptist saw and pointed him out as the Lamb of God! John saw what others were not able to see; to John was revealed the unique identity of this one member of his congregation, who had been baptized a few days earlier. Two disciples were only seeing a mere man, but when they heard he was the Lamb of God, they transferred their allegiance from the forerunner; they took keener interest in following and learning more about Jesus. Andrew then realized that you can’t find such treasure and keep it to yourself; he called his brother to the new found Messiah.
What do you see? When you look into the skies, when you look at different people around you, when you read the word of God, when you listen to a sermon, what do you see? Unfortunately it is possible for treasure to be exposed, yet some people do not see it! Have not many people listened to the same sermon and some are saved thereby while others dismiss it? God gave us physical eyes, but we also possess capacity to use deeper senses to see beyond the physical. Each one of us needs the special revelation of the Lamb of God; only that will transform us fundamentally and give us the impetus to follow and call others to Him. Through the ministry in this Church, my prayer is that Jesus Christ will be manifested to all to seek and listen. Behold the Lamb of God!
God bless you.